guarantee of satisfaction

Your Greeting Card Order

100% guaranteed satisfaction

Redcliffe Imaging takes pride in producing only the best quality greeting cards. We are confident that you will be delighted with your card order. For this reason, you can order confidently knowing we offer a 30 day, 100% money back guarantee.

Please contact us should you have any questions or experience any problems and we will do our utmost to resolve any problem to your satisfaction:

Requesting a replacement or refund

If contacted within 30 days of the original order date, Redcliffe Imaging will either replace or refund any print or product that is deemed unsatisfactory by the customer; except when Redcliffe Imaging has expressed concern to the customer over image quality issues, such as poor resolution or potential tonal problems with the image prior to printing.

In order to request a replacement or refund, please contact our customer service department so that we can assist you. And if we can’t make it right we want you to still feel that you were at least dealing with a reputable company that puts you, the customer first.

Instructions for damaged cards

If your card order is damaged during shipment, please contact our customer service department so that we can make the appropriate arrangements to have the damaged cards replaced or refunded.

To expedite the process please take some photos of the damaged cards or packaging. These photos will be used for submittting an appropriate claim to the shipping carrier as well as for our internal use.

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